Robotics for educational purposes

Assisted in the technical development of the Arduino Braccio robot utilizing ROS, Gazebo, MoveIt!, etc to achieve smooth movement. Developed a fine-tuned YOLOv3 model on Ubuntu Linux utilizing Darkmark-annotated images for object detection. Developing a Llama 3 fine-tuned LLM utilizing the WEI library for automatic code creation after a user requests the robot to do a simple task

UX analysis of infotainment systems

Unable to disclose much, but this research is on the UX analysis of Infotainment systems

Predictin of LID

Preprocessed eight T1-weighted MRI scans for 21 subjects each, utilizing NiBabel, SimpleITK, NiPy, SciPy, and ANTS to perform various preprocessing techniques such as N4biascorrection, skull stripping, motion correction, and artifact reduction. Performing 4D Semantic Segmentation of these MRI scans to segment White matter hyperintensities, Cerebrospinal fluid volume, subcortical structures, perivascular spaces, various specialized nuclei such as Basal Ganglia, and Gray matter. Also, trying to find MRI data of LID patients.

ALS pathway analysis for early diagnosis

Unable to disclose much but this research is about ALS pathway analysis for mimic differentiation for early diagnosis

An open-eye dataset for strabismus patients

Developed a preprocessing script for open eye images implementing normalization, image resizing, and enhancement. Will develop a 3D U-net model for segmentation of the layers of the eye. Created a display website structured on the Vite framework and created a website structured on the Django framework with a firebase backend for database access & contribution. Also, we are cold emailing universities regarding potential research collaboration.